Our admissions team is on hand to guide you through the admission process and help 回答你可能有的任何问题. 有一个友好的联系也很好 在校园! So please feel free to reach 出 as we are only a phone call or email away!
(478) 289-2169
选择EGSC的原因: I didn't want to get lost in the crowd and EGSC was closer to home. 转移 was a breeze and was the perfect starting point for me. 我喜欢帮助学生来 在这里开始他们的未来!
给学生的建议: GO TO CLASS, make friends, get involved, use your resources, and ask questions!
校园里最喜欢的地方: Ezra Pond; it's nice to sit and watch the geese float by and hear all the sounds 校园.
选择EGSC的原因: 我选择EGSC是因为社区的感觉. 更小的校园允许员工和 教师去了解学生. 我完全相信EGSC是一个完美的开始 任何学生的名额. A larger university can be overwhelming and as a student, you 迷失在人群中. 在EGSC,这种情况不会发生.
给学生的建议: Go to class, talk with your professors, ESPECIALLY i如果你在挣扎! There’s no such thing as a stupid question, so if you want to 问点什么,直接问!
校园里最喜欢的地方: The library – it’s a great place to hang 出 with friends or to get some studying done and it has a lot of resources for students to check 出!
选择EGSC的原因: I chose EGSC because I was looking for a place to start my career path in business 我将获得工商管理学位. EGSC有最热情的员工,我很喜欢 有机会在家乡工作!
给学生的建议: 在你需要帮助的时候尽快寻求帮助! 不要犹豫问问题. 有太多了 friendly staff members 在校园 that can point you in the right direction. 我们都 希望看到你成功! Also do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments. 我吸取了教训!
我的最爱脓: 富尔福德社区学习中心! 我小时候去过那里很多次 in high school for different types of learning events. 我总是玩得很开心 enjoyed participating in activities with all the schools in Emanuel county!
选择EGSC的原因: 校园里有一种温馨的感觉. 你可以看出这里的人(教职员工) staff, students), really want to and enjoy being here. 我也很重视亲密 我住在美丽的伊曼纽尔县. 我觉得我可以有所作为 我很高兴来到这里!
给学生的建议: 在任何情况下都不要害怕说出来. 与教授、导师、 等等都有帮助! 有太多了 resources for you 在校园, you just need to reach 出. And enjoy your time here but try to keep up with your academic schedule so you 不强调.
校园里最喜欢的地方: 理查德·L. 布朗餐厅有一个很棒的沙拉吧. 我也喜欢那里的景色 在体育馆可以看到池塘和鸭子.
选择EGSC的原因: I chose EGSC because it allowed me to work close to home and also gain valuable work 经验. Also, as a former student, I wanted the chance to share with current and future students all that EGSC has to offer and to assist them on their academic journey.
给学生的建议: Don't keep things to yourself when it comes to things you don't know or are unsure 十大彩票游戏平台. There will always be someone willing to help you 出 and get you on track, 你只需要愿意去问. 此外,要尽量早点完成作业 永远不要为了考试而通宵学习. 你的成绩和健康都会受到影响 所以要掌握好所有的工作,调整好自己的节奏! 你得到了这个!
校园里最喜欢的地方: 圆形大厅中间的圆桌. 我知道这很奇怪,但我花了 many hours there with friends during lunch and break times as a student, so it is 给我留下了很多美好的回忆.
选择EGSC的原因: 因为这里所有友好的教职员工. 他们给了我很大的帮助 my time as a student, and so I knew this would be a great place to work.
给学生的建议: 不要放弃! You deserve the sense of accomplishment that comes when you graduate. 你能行的,山猫!
校园里最喜欢的地方: 游戏室! 如果你想感受一下,那是一个完美的地方 a 孩子又.
(912) 623-2400
选择EGSC的原因: I chose to attend EGSC as a student because the college was in my hometown, it was small in size, and a number of my friends were enrolling alongside with me after our 高中毕业.
I chose to return to EGSC for employment because an opportunity became available for me to work for my alma mater in the city where I currently reside, 斯泰茨伯勒, GA. I feel like working at EGSC is a return "home" for me and I have enjoyed reconnecting 和很多来自我家乡的人在一起 & 在斯温斯伯勒的校外工作 去年10月. I also moved to EGSC-斯泰茨伯勒 from the Registrar's Office 乔治亚南方大学. 从GSU校园的一个区域搬到另一个区域 was very easy and I am delighted that I get to continue to enjoy the perks of what Georgia S出hern has to offer our small campus community.
给学生的建议: Do not ever give up on completing your 学位 even when times are tough, when the coursework and exams are extremely hard, and when it seems there is no end in sight. If you "stick with it," you will not regret it in the end and you will have a prized 学位 you have earned that no one can take away from you.
校园里最喜欢的地方: In Swainsboro, it's Dana Wright's office and the Common Grounds coffee shop in the Luck Gambrell大楼. On the 斯泰茨伯勒 campus, it is the front desk area, the ACE和我的办公室.
选择EGSC的原因: 东乔治亚是我成年的开始. 作为以前的学生,我可以诚实地 say that East Georgia helped prepare me for the future. 我很高兴能够 help share with future students how EGSC can help prepare them as well
给学生的建议:不要害怕尝试新事物. 大学是进一步探索和学习的地方 更多十大彩票游戏平台你自己. 与人交谈,学生,教授. 参加活动,加入 俱乐部,尽你所能!
校园里最喜欢的地方: 佐治亚南方大学校园里的RAC! 没有什么比在户外好好锻炼身体更好的了 上了一天的课后,在健身房跑步! # Ballislife.
选择EGSC的原因: I chose EGSC because it reminds me of my time at GMC where a close-knit community and smaller class size played a huge part in helping me to successfully earn my Associate's 学位. 作为一名EGSC员工,我 have also been fortunate enough to have serviced students on both the Swainsboro as well as the 斯泰茨伯勒 campuses, sharing with them what the 参加两年制学校是有好处的.
给学生的建议: Balance is key, have fun, get involved and make friends, but don't lose focus, work hard, ask questions, know any and all resources available to you but most importantly 去上课!
校园里最喜欢的地方: When I worked on the Swainsboro campus, I would love to either be in the Residence 大厅,或者图书馆. Now that I am working on the 斯泰茨伯勒 campus, 我喜欢 前台,我的办公室,还有ACE.
(706) 729-2187
Nickolas Kelch
选择EGSC的原因: I came to EGSC when the partnership with 十大彩票游戏平台 University first began. 我就知道 would be an exciting partnership with tremendous benefit to students and the community.
给学生的建议: 不要拖延! Take every class, every assignment, every interaction you have 尽可能的严肃. 这些都是你走向未来的开始. 充分利用 它的. 玩得开心,但要对手头的任务保持勤奋.
校园里最喜欢的地方: 捷豹学生活动中心(JSAC). 你可以随便吃点东西,玩Xbox, join a club or organization and sit in a study room at the library, all in one building!
选择EGSC的原因: 我在寻求新的挑战和个人成长.
给学生的建议: 任何值得去的地方都没有捷径. 保持专注.
校园里最喜欢的地方: 艺术中心,我喜欢看有创意的艺术品.
选择EGSC的原因: I wanted to continue to work at a small and family-oriented university. 我喜欢 我们在EGSC有一个紧密联系的社区.
给未来学生的建议: 努力工作,你就会成功.
校园里最喜欢的地方: I enjoy taking walks around the history walk 在校园. 它很美.
选择EGSC的原因: Because of their commitment to student's futures and the accessibility of the college
给学生的建议: T永远要昂起头来. There might be some roadblocks ahead but don't get discouraged because there will always be other ways around those obstacles.
校园里最喜欢的地方: T环绕十大彩票游戏平台校园的步道. 总是有美丽的花朵 一年四季,即使天气寒冷.